The Bionic Band is a small removable band that person can wear around the wrist

It proponents claim the Bionic Band will improve the quality of life for those who wear one. Every day we are subjected to electromagnetic radiation from or telephone, computers and numerous other electronic devices. The Bionic Band is designed to counteract and interfere with the harmful electronic waves associated with those devices by emitting opposing vibrations and frequencies of its own similar to that of a tuning fork. It is based on the concept of sympathetic resonance. Sympathetic resonance is what occurs when one vibration responds to another similar vibration. A classic example is two tuning forks place on top of a table. When the first tuning fork is struck and then stopped, the second fork will be begin to vibrate. Its manufacturers claim that people who use the band will sleep better, enjoy greater flexibility, and have improved balance. They claim that this is an example of the future beginning to happen now.

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